Henrik Sonnergård



Henrik Sonnergård is my name. The 'å' hints that I am from Scandinavia, more precisely from Sweden. I studied natural science in high school and are now working with web and graphic design projects for a small company, everything from digital to print. Apart from that I work on my own web projects while earning more experience in the field. I think my parents have given me the ability to be interested in many and very different things. Astronomy, biology and chemistry are very close to my heart, as well as other fields such as sailing, mechanics and even carpentry.

You can't do everything, though, so many of these interests I very rarely practise. Instead I let the interests I have talent in and are very passionate about take my time. Fields like music production, photography, web design and typography are the things I mostly spend my spare time doing and some of them are even something I can work professionally with.

During my experience in the different fields I find interest in, I have come to find free software and the ways of distribute it enjoyable, especially services like Creative Commons and Flattr. I like the thought behind it; get the music, images, videos, games, software, etc for free, but legal, and still with a way to show appreciation and give credit to the originator by donating. Therefore, I aim to release my creative works, usually music and graphics, for free through Creative Commons licences. It maybe isn't the best way to do it, but it certainly isn't the worst.
